A r t w o r k s   f o r   d i f f e r e n t   w a y s   o f    s e e i n g 

A   B   O   U   T

SEMM is an artist who studies different ways of seeing.
‌We see the world through all our senses like sight, touch, and hearing.
And everyone experiences other things by their memories.
Different images come out depending on which direction, at what time, and in what location the photos are you.
Imagining the world through the eyes of others is like having more giant wings.
I hope that these artworks will be meaningful to you.
To be completely myself.

‌I'm interested in...



Color tone
I'm interested in understanding human vision and perception.
And I try to make new ways to communicate.

F E E L I N G 

The tactile
We all see and feel different things.
The more I understood, the freer I became.


 I express images in memory.
Sometimes it becomes a different landscape.

Artist Statement

W h a t  d o e s   i t  m e a n  t o  s e e ?

Why do we see and feel different things even when we look at the same thing in the same situation? We see the world through our sense organs—eyes, ears, nose, skin, and so on—but we all perceive different things. This is because people have not only different physical abilities but also different memories. My artwork began with the question of how we see and perceive the world. Seeing something has an infinite discontinuity. This can be compared to the chaotic spin state discussed in today's quantum mechanics. It is an entanglement state in which countless conditions are mixed.
These works start with 'transparent imagination.' It is an attempt to see the world as a mass of energy in a multidimensional space. It is an ambiguous world where forms are mixed and "light and shadow" and "object and person" intertwine and interact. The boundaries between face and body, person and person, person and background become blurred by the memories filtered through the senses. This is expressed tactilely (tactile feel becomes the center so that other perceptions have tactile properties) with bas-relief. Then, using 'tone and feeling,' the process of erasing and covering it is repeated, and a person is formed by the difference in saturation and lightness.
As the appearances of the objects overlap and appear, the unique image we knew is lost. The corrosion paint mainly used in this work will discolor over time, giving viewers a different 'tone and feeling.'
Zip is an artwork series that expresses the idea that my memory is like a latent mass, like a compression program, so that images change subtly according to time and location. It exists somewhere between abstraction and figuration and makes the viewer uncomfortable. There are things that seem to be read but are discovered without being read. Sometimes it can feel like a hidden object or puzzle. When people encounter this work, I hope that they wander in an ambiguous space rather than the clarity of the visible world and fully savor their senses. Furthermore, I look forward to a world where we can fully communicate with each other's senses and emotions to understand the way others see, that we have never experienced before.


A   R   T   W   O   R   K

Z I P   P R O J E C T  |  2 0 1 5 - 

The memory image in abstract form

F I L T E R    P R O J E C T  |  2 0 1 3 -  

About the gaze that I see and feel selectively

M O N T A G E   P R O J E C T  |  2 0 1 3 -

‌Image of fragments of memories

B O D Y  L A N D S C A P E    P R O J E C T  |  2 0 0 7  -  2 0 0 9

‌Humans in nature and nature in humans

S H A D O W L I N E    P R O J E C T  |  2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 6

‌The melody of the sleeping man's shadow movement

G E T   I N   T O U C H

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